When I was still preparing for my wedding, I too was caught by this question. I was on a shoe string budget so I had to be wise with my decisions. My husband and I carefully weighed our options and came up with these:
* Photos will last a long time and can be preserved well
* When friends and family come for a visit they would not ask for your wedding's video but my wedding album.
* Photos can be edited *cough* photoshopped so I'd look thinner
(remember I was 9 months pregnant!)* We both appreciate quality photos and we are both NOT camera shy
* Don't you just love the drama of pre nuptial photo shoot
(some call it engagement photo session)* You can even do the trash the dress session with your photographer
(of course with this one you don' t use the REAL wedding dress but cheaper and rented ones)* We were offered unlimited shots for our wedding plus other freebies like coffe table book, guestbook, etc.
* Photos show minute details of the event such as wedding flowers, wedding dress, wedding ring,
flower girl's dress and so much more.
*Photos will freeze precious moments and add dramatic effects to it.
I now professional photography and videography costs a lot so you can just choose one and get a cheaper version of the other. What I did was, I asked a friend to handle our video camera and had it edited by another friend who knows how to edit videos. And hired professional photographers instead :)
In times like these, we need to think twice or thrice before spending money. SO I hope you'll be wise in planning for your wedding!
its a tough one. if i had to choose it would be photos. good idea you had to get a friend/family to do the video though :)
Thanks Tina :)
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