We use a lot of US Postal Service Priority Mail. It's supposed to be 1-3 days. So if your in California and order a dress from us, you should get it the next shipping day. Please note the use of the word shipping day. If your in the East Coast, usually 3 days. Sometimes 2 days, but usually 3 days.
But some genius in the Post Office decided they need to print the estimated time on the shipping label. So Priority Mail to PA for today's headache, shows
Priority Mail 2-Day™
And the order shipped out on the 23rd, Monday. The order was placed on Saturday. So today, I get an E-Mail asking where is my order? And that the person paid for 2 days.
And of course, the tracking has not been updated since Monday!
The person actually paid for 1-3 days Priority Mail. The time is an estimate. May be I should add usually at the end of the shipping type. I already did that for Express Mail 1-2 days usually. I got tired of getting beat up when the shipment did not arrive the next day.
I am noticing with the snow storms back East and other areas of the US, I am seeing some delays in shipping times.
If your counting days for shipping, please remember the following:
1. If you place your order after 10 AM on a weekday, it won't ship to the next day. Specifically, I have had customers order a dress Friday night I think it was 7:20 p.m. and wonder why they don't have it Monday morning. We don't work weekends, and we leave at 4:30 p.m. If you call before we leave, we may be able to ship your package if ordered after 10 a.m.PST.
2. Weather does affect delivery times, especially for USPS which we use for Priority Mail.
3. For priority mail, it's not a guaranteed time. If you really need it within 3 days, and you use priority mail, your gambling.
4. We don't work holiday! And the USPS does not either.
5. The USPS usually delivers / works Monday through Saturday.
6. The FedEx option on our site does not include Saturday delivery.
There is a rather long page all about shipping on elitedresses, and their is a Frequency Asked Questions Section (FAQ) at the end.
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