I found out that not too many parents are aware of Arbor Day. That's why I'm blogging about it and attempt to give information about it.
Arbor Day is an international holiday that encourages individuals, families, groups, organizations, schools (and just everybody) to plant trees. And with the recent tragedies that the world suffered this past few months, it is the best time to plant trees and give back what Mother Nature deserves.
In every country, the date of National Arbor Day varies depending on the best time of the year to plant trees in that specific area. In the US, it's usually 4th Friday of April but some states chose to celebrate theirs on other dates because of the weather issue.
There are so many ways of celebrating Arbor Day as a family. You can go through arborday.org and read through their suggestions. But this website for kids I really love! And I'm sure your kids will love it too!
Check out and have fun with Who Wants to be a Treellionare?

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