The Best Wedding Receptions—Ideas to Incorporate Your Flower Girl and Other Child Guests
Once the formal wedding is over, your reception is the chance for your guests to kick back, relax, and enjoy celebrating your marriage with frivolity and fun. While you adult guests have plenty of food, music, dancing, and drinks to entertain, what about your flower girl and other young ones? With a little creativity and a lot of good cheer, you can help make your wedding fun for each and every guest. Here are some ideas for incorporating kids into your wedding reception:- Creative kids tables—When people leave your reception, they won’t remember the centerpieces or song list. They will remember experiences. Pinterest is full of crafty, fun kids’ tables. Whether you go with sedate printables or full-on crafts, your little guests will end up being a highlight of the night, and not a later, not-in-a-good-way talking point.
- Kids’ dance—If you envision a fun night of dancing for your guests, plan on at least some special kids-oriented dancing. Depending on your schedule, this could be a few songs early on, or one song each during specified time brackets. Not only will this give kids something to look forward to, but the photo opportunities will also be priceless.
- Kid-friendly food—Children are notoriously picky, and you will gain praise from both your little guests and their parents if you have something on the menu that is appealing to younger palettes.
- Above and beyond—If you are hosting a large contingent of children, you may want to consider a special “Kids’ Room” for your reception. Armed with activities and entertainment, this room can be an out-of-sight space for them to let loose. However, if you go this route, you should remember that supervision is essential. Whether you get family volunteer or provide qualified sitters, you need to place safety and supervision above all else.
At Elite Dresses, we know that your wedding is special, and we want to give you the tools, tips, and perfect attire to satisfy both your flower girls and all of your young participants. Check out this week’s sale, and start planning the most memorable reception your friends have ever seen!
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