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Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Communion Party 101

First let me say that a First Communion Party is not obligatory. It depends on the preference of the child and the parents. There are some who would rather dine out with the entire family and just be thankful for the joyous event but there are also some who prepares for a lavish First Communion Party.
I received a nice note from a customer who bought 2 dresses for First Communion. One was for her daughter's First Communion and the other is for the after party event. I just goes to show that some parents really see the importance of First Communion and they put a lot of time, effort and money celebrating the occasion.

It is also customary to a First Communion after party to serve bread, wine (for adults), ice cream (for kids), and a white cake as part of the menu. A First Communion party is one of the occasions where you must entertain guests of all ages. Perhaps a face painting or a ventriloquist to keep the younger ones at bay during cocktail. A magician would also keep everyone entertained and of course a nice performance (a religious song or a religious music played in any musical instrument) from the First Communicant would be the nice.

As for the guests, the common gifts for the First Communicant is a necklace with a cross pendant, a bracelet with religious charms, a bible made for kids, a personalized reflection notebook, and also monetary gifts.
Some of my customers were grandparents who are buying the First Communion dress for their grandchild as a gift. It's so sweet of them :)

I hope I was able to help you with stuff about First Communion Party! Don't forget to scan through my free First Communion coloring pages and print some to entertain your younger guests.


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